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GW2 Application

GW2 Application

Postby Forn Myrkr » Thu 9. Aug 2012, 19:59

Hi everyone!
I know maybe I'm too late but here goes my application.

First of all you can call me Forn Myrkr (main char name until now), I'm a portuguese, 25 year old, student finishing my masters degree in veterinary medicine, :geek: and I spend my free time exercising and having fun with friends online and offline.
Why do I want to join RARE ? hmmm!!! Because I want an international team (cultural diversity is always good) that's going to play on FarShiverpeaks (every1 seems nice there), that as experience playing MMOs and most of all because from what I've been reading and from the recruitment post, you guys seem to be a fun loving and all around nice guys (and girls).

Now what was left?! Ah, the previous experience: (I will be honest)

"None" :lol: playing MMOs in a guild. The reason is simple,there weren't any MMOs that appealed to me. I tried WOW but didn't like the cartoonish look for a rather serious community (didn't felt right), but I already lost count on the amount of RPGs I have played. Other then that I have a lot of experience on online gaming. I've been playing, since I can remember, FPSs online. I've been (and still am) part off some international clans on Unreal Tournament, Quake, CS and Battlefield (my only game right now but it will go to second plane after the GW2 headstart :twisted: )

I know that the no mmo experience must be a big negative point but I think I'm an average player (or not): In the last BWE I played mostly PVE and in two days (couldn't play more) I was storming Gelderran Fields all alone not a single soul was there with me (level 30 or something). That was too cocky :mrgreen:

Ps.: Hey look it's a stress test starting, here I go! Dragons prepare to get petted to dead .

Forn Myrkr
Forn Myrkr

by Advertising » Thu 9. Aug 2012, 19:59


Re: GW2 Application

Postby Forn Myrkr » Fri 10. Aug 2012, 00:55

Sorry, just forgot to say some important things (was rushing to the most stressful test Arena.net has done), I will keep it short:
_I will be playing Gw2 quite a lot, all along the week with no stipulated time schedule yet, except it will mostly be after 7pm (19h) GMT;
_I managed some stuff in the clans I was in (and once the entire clan for a year) ;
_PVE/WvW main char: Azura Warrior ; PVP/WvW: Azura Necro ( I love those little buggers) Others: If needed
_I consider myself a casual/semi-hardcore gamer... having fun is top priority , winning is only a bonus;
_I'm always open for suggestions and guidance so no problem there;
_Written or spoken english no problem, spanish no problem as well, french I can't speak or write any good but I understand enough.

Hope for an answer soon, because I don't want to play this awesome game alone, and the headstart is approaching :P
Ps.: If there's any more info you guys need just ask.

Forn Myrkr

Re: GW2 Application

Postby Bloodwyne » Fri 10. Aug 2012, 08:51

Hello Forn Myrkr!

I am sorry to say but we reached our pre-release member cap. All commercial threads should contain a line where it says that our recruitment tent is closed. Maybe i should put it on the top of the threads to make sure everybody notices it and i dont waste peoples time. Sorry dude its not that your application doesnt fit to us or sth like that. Personally i would suggest u to applicate to WoTU or TC (If its important for you to be part of the TNA alliance on FS). They might fit your ideals! GL and see you on the battlefield!
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Re: GW2 Application

Postby Forn Myrkr » Fri 10. Aug 2012, 11:16

Ok thanks for the quick answer! No problem at all!
Yeah WoTu seems nice as well.
Cu in Tyria everyone!
Forn Myrkr

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